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Holiday Hands

Status: Fulfilled
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A Nintendo Switch Lite for Jovian

City Living NY | Jamaica, NY
Eshwire is a full-time working mom, raising Jovian in an apartment in Queens. They are a loving and devoted family and spend all of their time together. Eshwire's hours at work were cut this year due to CO-VID, which was a financial hit for the family.

Working less hours, Eshwire's continued to make ends meet, but it hasn't been an easy year for this little family. While Eshwire is a diligent worker and a doting parent, she fears she won't be able to give Jovian the Christmas that he's dreaming of; one that includes getting his new favorite toy, the Nintendo Switch.

Eshwire is very much in the mindset of "where there's a will there's a way", and believes in putting all of her energy into her desires. She would deeply appreciate any help in surprising her son with this awesome gift for the holiday season.