$100,000 deployed to Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund

In a barrage of airstrikes over the last two weeks, 65 children have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank. (USAT). In Israel, at least two children have been killed. (BBC)
Many of the children who have survived have been severely injured as bombs decimated their homes and schools. They are in dire need of emergency medical care, yet six hospitals and nine primary care centers have been damaged by bombs. (UNOCHA) The hospitals and centers that still exist are just barely functioning—they have run out of vital supplies and doctors have been killed by airstrikes. (WSJ)
Together Rising just deployed $100,000.00 to The Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, a U.S. based nonprofit with more than 30 years of experience. The team is on the ground right now providing urgent medical assistance to injured children—regardless of country of origin, religion, politics, or ethnicity. On Monday, PCRF’s office was bombed—but even that has not stopped them from continuing to show up to deliver life-saving services and supplies.
Together Rising stands with the world’s children—wherever they are and whomever they are. Because there’s no such thing as other people’s children.
[Sources: BBC: Israel-Gaza violence: The children who have died in the conflict; UNOCHA: Daily Noon Briefing Highlights: Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel; USAT: Israel, Hamas agree to cease-fire after hundreds killed in Gaza; WSJ: Gaza Doctors Say Hospitals Overwhelmed With Casualties from Israeli Airstrikes]