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$50,000 to The Brigid Alliance

UPDATE: You are helping 35 people travel out-of-state for abortion care via a $50,000 investment in our trusted partner, The Brigid Alliance.

At Together Rising, we continue to voice our commitment to reproductive freedom. Two weeks ago, we wrote to you about the continued attacks on reproductive rights each day in this country. We’re doubling down on our efforts to ensure that everyone has access to the reproductive care that they need by supporting work at the national, state, and local levels.

Since our last post, a near-total ban was signed into law in North Dakota. This ban is one of the most restrictive in the country, making abortion illegal in almost every case. North Dakota joins a long list of more than a dozen states that have instituted total or near-total bans, forcing people who need abortions to travel hours out of state. For example, if you live in Houston, Texas, the closest abortion clinic is a 9-hour drive away.

For those 15 weeks pregnant and beyond, it can be extremely difficult to travel to seek an abortion, and many people find themselves unable to access this critical care. The need is tremendous—and continues to grow.

For this first phase of funding, we’ve invested $50,000 in the boots-on-the-ground The Brigid Alliance, which helps people from all 50 states travel out-of-state for abortions by:

  • Covering transportation, lodging, childcare and meal assistance
  • Coordinating logistics and offering non-judgemental, trauma-informed support

The Brigid Alliance helps people who are most disproportionately impacted by abortion bans. Of the more than 2,500 people who have accessed abortion care with the help of Brigid, 66% were Black, Indigenous or people of color, and 33% were already parents.

Now—with your help—35 people who might otherwise have gone without care will be able to travel to states where they can access a safe abortion—and will be supported every step of the way.

We’re just getting started. Please donate to this critical work at We’ll deploy every penny received to our partners fighting to safeguard reproductive care, equity, and justice—including providing concrete help to access safe abortion care.