Abi’s Place – Part II

Earlier this week we shared the exciting news that this fall, thanks to your investment, Hope on Haven Hill opened the doors to Abi’s place, the first recovery-centered transitional home in New Hampshire where a mother recovering from opioid addiction could live with her baby while they get well. Today we’re sharing the story of two precious mamas who have already moved in!
Lauren graduated from HHH this July, and stayed in a hotel while she waited for Abi’s Place to open. She had a re-occurrence of her disease and her little boy, Rory, was placed in foster care while Kerry and her team quickly found a 28 day rehab program for her. Lauren held on and fought for herself and her little family, and was able to come straight to Abi’s House and to have Rory join her there!
Nicole successfully graduated from HHH in December 2018. She has baby Elijah and adorable 5 year old Kaleb. She had nowhere else to go, so she waited in a local shelter until Abi’s House opened, attending intensive outpatient program, counseling, and support groups in the meantime. While working hard on her recovery, she also earned her certificate in medical coding. She and her children now have a safe place to live while she looks for work.
These are only two of the women and families you have invested in. Thank you for believing in women and second chances. And thank you to Love Warriors like Hope on Haven Hill’s founder, Kerry, who turn their heartbreak into action!