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Becky and Benji

Benji smiling in his room

“My son is a fighter…he makes everyone smile.” 

That’s what Benji’s mom wrote to us when she began to describe her 14-year-old son. Despite long-term complications since birth, including a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and receiving over 25 surgeries to manage abnormal amounts of fluid in his brain, Benji’s family has always figured out a way to give him the best quality of life possible. 

That quality of life was threatened again earlier this year when Benji went deaf. 

“Losing his hearing has been a devastating blow and in addition, he lost quite a bit of his prior mobility. We want to keep him as connected and “in” the family as possible.” Benji’s family was doing everything in their power to make up for the fact that his bedroom was upstairs, away from the family hang out space on the main floor, including literally carrying him up and down the stairs multiple times a day.

That’s where you came in. Thanks to your support, we were able to fund a home remodel that included relocating Benji’s bedroom to the main floor, widening doors for easier access, adding a shower, and making the bathroom accessible. Benji’s bedroom was also widened to accommodate a closet for medical supplies.

Making the home more accessible didn’t just benefit Benji, but Benji’s 4 other siblings with disabilities as well. 

Benji’s mom, Becky,  shared pictures of Benji in his new space and summed it up so well. “I am eternally grateful for the impact you made on my son. We will never be the same.”

Thank you to TEAM LOVE, our recurring Together Rising donors, for the ways you show up for kids like Benji and for moms like Becky.

Thank you for declaring through your support, time and time again, that we carry each other.