We helped Evie get the power wheelchair that she needed!
You helped Evie get the power wheelchair that she needed!

Evie is “a loving mother of two, a grandmother of three, a sister, daughter, and a friend to everyone she meets.” She was first diagnosed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis seventeen years ago. When we met Evie, she was going through an especially difficult time. She was navigating a separation from her spouse. Her caregivers were calling out at an increasing frequency, which meant she wasn’t getting help to meet her daily needs—including getting enough food to eat and water to drink. She’d sit on a folding chair for hours, which left her in agonizing pain. On top of everything else, the wheelchair Evie relied on was falling apart. However, given how expensive power wheelchairs are, she couldn’t afford a replacement.
You, through Together Rising, saw how much Evie was going through. You sent her a direct grant for her most pressing need: a safe and reliable power wheelchair.
Because of your support, Evie could purchase a wheelchair that has advanced technology to meet all of her needs. She can control it with her tongue, which allows her to be mobile. This change in her quality of life and sense of independence has already brought so much joy to Evie and her loved ones. Together, we have helped Evie gain not only a new wheelchair, but also the peace of mind of knowing that she’s safe.
“You have restored our faith in humanity, showing us that there is good in the world, especially during a time when things often seem so dark,” wrote Evie’s friend.
Let’s keep showing up to be good in the world, even when everything feels dark. Together and forever.
Please consider supporting Together Rising’s work through a one-time or recurring donation at TogetherRising.org/Give. We can support Evie, and so many other wonderful individuals and families, because you support us.