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Lila’s Homecoming

Hi. I know the world feels terrible – but it is also still beautiful. Listen up.


Lila is ten years old. When she was nine, she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Lila and her mama, Heather, have been at a hospital 13 hours from their home, battling this Leukemia for almost a year now.


Shannon is Heather and Lila’s neighbor. When Shannon heard that Lila was finally feeling better, and coming home- she went over to Heather’s house to get things spruced up for Lila’s return. What she found was that while they’d been gone -the house had been infested with rats.


Shannon loves Lila and Heather and she so badly wanted their homecoming to be special and peaceful. She didn’t know what to do. She was heartbroken. Then she remembered where to go to turn heartbreak into action.


Shannon wrote to Together Rising.


She said: Can you help?


YOU said: Yes. Yes, of course. Lila and Heather belong to us. Let us begin!


You worked with local exterminators and got rid of the rats. You fumigated the house. You recarpeted. You had it cleaned from top to bottom. And then you went a little overboard and refurnished their home.


Lila got home this week. Look what Shannon and her neighbors did for their homecoming.


They saw this parade. And then they walked into a peaceful, perfect home.


Shannon told our team that when Heather looked around the house in disbelief, Shannon said: “Our friend Glennon helped.”


Well done, Shannon. We see you. We see how well you love.


Well done, ALL OF YOU. I see how well you love.


Thank you for healing this brutiful world with us.


Thank you for being the people who turn heartbreak to action.


Here’s the local news story:!




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