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Honoring Our Teachers

In celebration of #WorldTeachersDay, we are honoring all of our incredible educators who make our lives bigger, brighter, and better – thank you, deeply, for all you do everyday for our students and our world!

We also want to share just two of the many educators who, through your investment in Together Rising, you are supporting  to make an invaluable difference in their own classrooms and communities.

Liana teaches math and special education. When she wrote to us, she shared that the students walk past this staircase daily on their way to her math class. She wanted to transform the staircase into a beautiful visual that would affirm and uplift her school’s more than 800 students, teachers, and staff to walk by every day. 

Liana had already organized volunteers and received approval from the school—she and her students just needed the funding for the supplies. 

Through Together Rising, YOU covered the cost of all of the supplies that Liana and the students needed to create this welcoming and inclusive visual. Together, they painted the staircase over a couple days. 

Michele is a Special Education teacher at an elementary school in Texas. She desperately needed specific chairs that would allow her students to sit in her classroom safely. She sent us a picture “worth a thousand THANK YOUS!!!!” She continued, “I received all the items you so graciously purchased for my classroom. They have already been put to great use. EVERYBODY has their favorite; from my kiddos who can sit up and take notice of lights and sounds to my visually impaired who need tactile/texture input to help them participate and differentiate between items. I love that my students can participate independently with all of these tools at their disposal.”

Thank you, Together Rising community, for helping us meet the very real needs of our students and their educators. And thank you Liana and Michele for your work in making your schools a place for all our kids to thrive.