How you helped keep a mom and baby together

This weekend, lawyers YOU funded at Al Otro Lado rushed to a California hospital where US Border Patrol agents had threatened to take away a two-day old newborn from her 19-year-old mother.
CBP threatened to detain the mother and send her back to Mexico, separating her from her two-day-old baby, who remains in the NICU. The baby would have gone to foster care. Border Agents had taken away the mother’s phone and denied her access to legal counsel.
But the lawyers you paid for stood vigil advocating at the hospital and prevented the torturous planned separation, which would have likely resulted in the baby being adopted away from his mother.
On Monday, the legal team at Al Otro Lado was able to ensure mother and baby were released from the hospital together, preventing their separation and their detention in horrendous conditions.
Over the past 20 months, you, through Together Rising, have invested a total of $8,170,047.60 in heroic legal teams, including Al Otro Lado, to locate parents deported without their children, reunify separated families, and activate an emergency response and long-term legal accountability for children being detained in horrible conditions.
Every day, there are more family separations, and every day, you are on the ground preventing these atrocities. On behalf of the mothers, babies, and families whose lives you are saving, thank you for investing in Together Rising so we can equip the warriors on the ground bringing families back together.
As these unspeakable horrors continue, we must continue to show up. We know what we need, and we know we can count on you. Stay tuned in the new year.