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Jeffrey and Alycia

Image description: The photo shows Jeffrey with his daughters standing by a holiday tree.

After Jeffrey lived with chronic illness for more than a decade, he and his family received a long-awaited diagnosis that turned their lives upside down. This story is the story of how you held them close throughout such a stressful time.

From muscle spasms, to whole-body pain, to IBS, to insomnia, and much more, Jeffrey spent years struggling with his health. His doctors couldn’t tell him what was causing his painful symptoms. His chronic illness took an immense toll on his body—it was difficult for Jeffrey to work or care for his children.

This past fall, Alycia and the children started getting sick too. Whether it was causing nausea, dizziness, hormone imbalances, or food sensitivities, something was making the whole family sick.

The family received devastating news: The cause of their sickness? Mold. It had gotten so bad that it was growing in Jeffrey’s body, which explained his long-standing symptoms.

The home they were renting was tested. The test came back positive for a neurotoxic strain of mold. What should have been a place of respite and peace was exacerbating a decade’s worth of stress, pain, and illness.

They found a new place to rent. Another positive test. Eventually, the family had to move out of state.

Jeffrey, Alycia and their girls were limited in what they could take with them. If it couldn’t be properly cleaned, it was unsafe to bring to their new rental home. Their furniture. Their mattresses. Their rugs. They had to get rid of countless paper items, including all of the children’s drawings and cherished books.

You sent Alycia and Jeffrey a direct grant to cover the costs of:

Replacing the children’s favorite books and art supplies;

An inspection and air test for their new rental home;

A queen-sized bed frame;

A couch and chair;

An additional air filter

A vacuum with a HEPA filter; and

Continued care for Jeffrey.

Thank you for holding Jeffrey, Alycia, and their girls close during this difficult time. Thank you to TEAM LOVE, whose steadfast support is what made it possible for us to show up for this family.