Leslie + Connor

Leslie has responded to life’s challenges with one clear focus: to be able to support her son, Connor, especially financially and physically. Connor has been through a lot in his young life. Five years ago, his dad died. His mom’s high-stress job often interrupts his schedule and routine. Most recently, Connor and his mom had to move out of their home, leaving them with uncertainty as they faced a more expensive housing market. This was the last place Connor lived with his dad, which meant that leaving added an emotional toll on top of the known financial pressure.
And that’s exactly where YOU come in. Thanks to the support of our monthly donors, Team Love, we were able to help pay for some of the costs connected to their move. Leslie shared that, thanks to the support from Team Love, she “will sleep better tonight.”
Thank you for coming alongside Leslie and Connor when they needed us most. Thank you for easing Leslie’s load so she can get back to focusing on what matters most in her world: Connor.
*Names have been changed