Let’s show up for Jessi & Kristy

We receive beautiful and heartbreaking emails everyday. Thank you for trusting us with your stories.
Today, we are sharing Jessi’s story with you. Jessi is a warrior sister and daughter facing incredible loss.
Jessi wrote to us because she desperately wants to help her mom.
Jessi’s sister, Jami, died recently in a car accident. Jami was 19.
Their mother, Kristy, is devastated, her heart shattered. Jessi is in agony, too – but she’s scared her mother will be swallowed up by her grief -- that it’s too much for her to carry alone. Jessi said, “I lost part of my soul losing my sister. I will not let my mom die in her life on my watch.”
What we’ve learned from hundreds of bereaved mamas is that there is nothing we can do or say -- not one single thing we can do to make it better. All we can do is see her, show up, hold space, and say: We see your pain. You are not alone.
Jessi reached out to Together Rising about helping her mom through her grief. She would love for her mom to receive notes of encouragement, hope, and support. She’s asking for our help through our Together Letters program, through which you have encouraged hundreds of families over the years.
Together Rising Family: To read Jessi’s request for support for her mama, and to send a letter to Kristy, please go here: https://togetherrising.org/holidayhands/the-holiday-hands-project/browse-listings/. One of the most beautiful parts of a community is being able to come together and lift each other up. Let’s show up for Kristy today.
Love is showing up in the hard and carrying it together. Jessi – you are doing that for your mom. We see you. You are not alone.
Together Rising
P.S. If you (or a loved one) have a request for letters of support or encouragement, you can submit your own request at the same link.