Look at the love – Holiday Hands 2019

More than one thousand of you came together – in less than 2 hours! -- to fill the needs and lift the hearts of more than 550 families and individuals, proving once again that We Belong To Each Other. Here are just two of the stories you made possible through your generous participation in this year’s Holiday Hands!
Sarah wrote that ever since her daughter was little, her dad’s Christmas present was to send them to The Nutcracker. Sarah’s dad died recently & they wanted to go to The Nutcracker to remember him, but money is tight. Carolyn & Shannon joined together to make that wish come true.
Shea requested a FurReal Cubby for her son who loves interactive toys. “I love him, he's all the joy in my life. I just wish I could provide more for him,” she said. Hannah filled that need, and let Shea know that her love for her son stretches farther and wider than her budget.
We are so grateful to Sarah, Shea, and all of you who were brave enough to ask for help and support. And we are grateful for Carolyn, Shannon, and Hannah, and all of you who reached out to provide small things with great love.
We are so grateful, as well, for those of you who couldn’t be givers, and didn’t need anything, but stayed close as witnesses. You were an important part of the magic of Holiday Hands, too.
Carmen wrote, “I may not be able to help much, but I’m reading each request and it’s making me so happy to see how many already have multiple offers of help. If the political world is bringing you down spend some minutes here and have your faith and joy restored.”
Thank you for showing up for each other and helping us to create the world the way we want it to be.