
Sometimes it seems like no matter how much you try, you just cannot catch a break.
Philece, an educator and mom of 5, wrote to us saying just that. She was facing eviction after a new job left her with unpaid maternity leave and even though she was paying the balance down each month, they weren’t stopping the process of eviction.
“Paying my rental balance would allow me to get back on my feet and have stable housing for my children. I feel terrible that they will be uprooted.”
Because of YOU, Philece and her five kids were not evicted. Because of YOU, we were able to cover five months of rent and give this family some much needed respite from a series of hard circumstances.
When Philece sent us the picture of her family, she shared, “I am extremely thankful for this blessing! This is an opportunity for stability and security for my little ones. It is an opportunity to get Mr. Henry (my baby boy) all the things he needs. I was afraid for what the future held for us because it seemed like I could not make it out of this bind. I have been severely depressed because of my circumstances…THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING US!!!!”
Thank you for meeting Philece at her breaking point with generosity and relief.
Together, we are able to make a difference in the lives of so many people with love, fury, and relentless hope.