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Pride staircase

Middle school students painting the Progress Pride Flag on a staircase at their school!

We are delighted to kick off #PrideMonth by recognizing an incredible teacher and group of 8th graders committed to creating a more inclusive community at their San Diego school.

Liana - a middle school math and special education teacher - recognized an opportunity to help build community and create a safe space for the amazing group of diverse students at her school, where each day, they walked past an empty unadorned staircase on their way to class. Together, they wanted to transform the space and send a clear message about the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by painting the staircase the colors of the progress pride flag.

Liana had already organized volunteers and received approval from the school. She just needed funding for the supplies.

Through Together Rising, YOU covered the cost of the supplies that Liana and her students needed to create this welcoming visual. Together, they painted the staircase and recently finished the project—just in time for Pride Month!

We are proud to support this group of students who saw an opportunity and responded, and we are grateful to YOU for being there for them.

Thank YOU, and stay tuned for more throughout the month about new and ongoing investments to support the LGBTQ+ community!