Sisters help carry the load of life

Sometimes life is so hard it feels like too much to carry.
Which is when you need sisters beside you to help carry the load.
This, it turns out, is not only the mission of Together Rising, but one of the greatest parts of life: helping each other to carry the load of life.
Meet Laura, a two-time cancer survivor, single mom to a precious five-year-old boy, and a nurse. After 4 years of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and a stem-cell transplant, she struggled to find work.
During this time Laura wrote to Together Rising. She explained that, while she knew she would somehow get back up on her feet financially, she felt “caught in an endless cycle with no way to get a grip.”
While she looked for work, Laura volunteered for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. It is her dream to support other single moms both during and after cancer treatments. To help those warriors carry on.
Yet, she didn’t know how she was going to afford to pay rent or make the holidays happen for her son. She needed some help to carry it all.
Through Together Rising, you stepped in to assist with rent payments and to purchase a new bed to replace the air mattress she and her son had been sharing.
Laura has found a part-time job and is now able to rent an apartment for herself and her son.
Through Together Rising, you are helping to carry the load of this bruitful life for women, families, and kids all across the globe – thank you for trusting us, and for standing with Laura, her boy, and countless others.
If you wish to join us with a recurring monthly tax-deductible gift of any amount (so much of our work is made possible by folks who give $5 a month to Together Rising) you may do so at or the link in our bio above.
G & TR