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Copy of Copy of Elizabeth V. (1200 x 630 px)

What would you do if you were facing the stress of a high-risk pregnancy? Where, or to whom, would you turn? 

When Stephanie was unable to work due to pregnancy complications, she became unable to pay her rent. Her family faced the very real threat of eviction and the uncertainty of when she would deliver the baby. Having been diagnosed with fetal growth restriction, she needed to be closely monitored and would likely deliver earlier than expected. 


Stephanie found out about Together Rising, and when she reached out to us,  she asked for assistance paying one month's rent. But we didn’t approve that request. Because of YOU, our incredible community of supporters and believers in a We Belong to Each Other vision, we were able to pay for an entire year of Stephanie’s rent. Now Stephanie will not only be able to avoid the stress of eviction, but also spend a longer time bonding with her new baby and recovering from labor and delivery without having to return to work immediately.


When Stephanie found out what you all had done, we got this message:


“Thank you so much for the great news! Me and my family are so grateful and thankful. This has been the hardest time. I can't stop the tears from falling. Just when we didn't know how we were going to pay May's rent. This is amazing.”


This is amazing. 


What we can do together is indeed amazing. And we can’t do it without you. Thank you for helping make stories like this possible. 


*Name has been changed


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