Thank you for cheering on Granny!

Sometimes, love is boundless, in a no-matter-what kind of way.
It’s driving your granddaughter to and from school every day and to basketball practices every night. It’s being the loudest one cheering in the stands. It’s waiting to get a knee replacement because there’s no one else to take care of her. It’s doing your best to stretch a limited income, knowing that there will be things you both need but can’t afford.
Meet Granny and her eleven-year-old granddaughter, Alaisha. A few years ago, Alaisha was without a caregiver. That’s when Granny stepped in.
Since then, Granny has been driving and cheering and waiting and doing and knowing. Through the brutal, and through the beautiful, her love for and devotion to Alaisha never wanes. Granny keeps cheering, in a no-matter-what kind of way.
A mother of one of Alaisha’s teammates recently reached out to Together Rising. She’s been awed by Granny and her boundless love. She said: “Granny is trying SO hard to ‘do right’ by Alaisha…Granny has the dedication and commitment and the love, she just needs the financial help.”
Last year, you, through Together Rising, sent $5,000 to help ease the financial burdens on Granny, who was also newly caring for a one-month old great-nephew. Your message was clear: Together Rising - and the thousands of members of this community - are cheering for you like you’ve been cheering for Alaisha.
To all the sole caregivers and single parents: We see you, and we are in awe of you. You are not alone -- this community loves and celebrates you.
We’ll cheer for you forever, because you are boundless love.
Thank you to TEAM LOVE (our amazing monthly donors) whose recurring gifts make it possible for us to invest in folks like Granny. You fill our lungs with air so we can cheer so many wonderful families. If you’re in a position to do so, please consider joining TEAM LOVE today