Thank you for standing with single mamas.

Time and time again, when Together Rising has the privilege of meeting people’s urgent and vital financial needs, they tell us that the most impactful part of the gift was the gift of being seen – being truly seen, believed, and supported for the first time in too long.
It is a lifeline to all of us when someone sees our struggles, sees how hard we are trying, and believes in us. This has become one of the beautiful parts of your work through Together Rising: that people who felt alone now know that they are not. You’re there for them. We’re there for each other.
Recently you gave that gift to Kristen, a single mom who had been laid off of work. Kristen is a tireless champion of others -- in her work, with her daughter, and in the way she shows up for her community. After sending out hundreds of job applications she was anxious, discouraged, and down to her last few dollars. You sent grocery and gas gift cards to help get Kristen and her family through that lean time. She is now working and eager to pay your love forward.
You also gave the gift of being seen to Nora, a single mother who left an abusive marriage a few years ago and has been unable to work because of those injuries. You sent funds to help her get through until her disability payments kicked in.
You stood beside Fiona as well. A single mother, she was struggling to catch up with bills and put food on the table for her nine-year-old girl. You sent her gift cards to a local grocery store to help her while she gets back on her feet.
Thank you for seeing Kristen, Nora, and Fiona; for answering their needs; and for standing as their friend when they needed you most.
We see YOU, and are grateful for you every day. TEAM LOVE, your monthly gifts to Together Rising make this possible. Thank you.