We are delivering $50,000 in urgent relief to families devastated by Hurricane Ian
We are delivering urgent relief to families devastated by Hurricane Ian’s historic, catastrophic wreckage. JOIN US at TogetherRising.org/Give.
An initial $50,000 deployment is on its way right now to our partner activated on the ground, the Black-and-trans-led, deeply embedded Smile Trust.
Co-founded and led by the indomitable Valencia Gunder and Brayland Brown, the Smile Trust team has extensive experience meeting the most urgent needs of families in the tumultuous aftermath of hurricanes, including Hurricane Dorian, during which they deployed more than 6,000 pounds of urgently needed supplies within a week.
Now Valencia, Brayland, and their team are the ones in the eye of the storm. With the category 4 hurricane hitting landfall in Florida, the storm’s 155 MPH maximum sustained winds along with the largest storm surge measured in Naples in the last 50 years has already caused catastrophic damage to even the strongest of homes and buildings.
We stand with Valencia, Brayland, their team, and all families throughout Florida and other devastated areas. We will continue to stand with them through what we know will be a long road of grief, recovery, and rebuilding.
You can help us amplify our response by donating $5, $10, or whatever you can at TogetherRising.org/Give.
Every penny received will go directly to urgently needed relief for families and children in crisis amid Hurricane Ian’s wreckage.
We are deeply grateful for the trust you place in us. As always, we will come back to you to report how every single penny was invested.