On Tuesday, we came together in a Love Flash Mob to help get babies back into their parents’ arms. In 9 hours, you raised One Million Dollars. In total, you raised $1,500,000. We are writing to update you on where your funds are already at work right now, and our plan to expeditiously and responsibly source your outpouring of donations. You fully funded (and more) the first two goals: 1) We wanted to raise money for legal advocates to represent 60 little ones – aged 12 months to 10 years – held in an Arizona detention center after being torn from their parents. Before the Love Flash Mob was even over, we sent $487,000 to Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project to fund the work of an angel team of four lawyers and 3 legal assistants. This team will be responsible for representing every child in that center and every one of their parents. They will work to establish and maintain contact between child and parent, reunification of families, and safety and rehabilitation of each child.2) Last week, we also sent $315,000 to the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights to cover the costs of a lawyer and social worker who will be operating around the country and on the border to provide advocacy and healing to unaccompanied, detained children. You gave so generously, that even before the Love Flash Mob was over, our incredible team of volunteers was already investigating, interviewing, and vetting other organizations that are doing this vital work. At Together Rising, your trust in us means everything. We continue to press hard into the diligence process – working quickly to ensure that we meticulously match your dollars with the precise organizations doing the most vital work — until as many of these precious children as possible have the support and advocacy they need, and are reunited with their parents. As always, we will keep you updated to let you know exactly where your dollars are hard at work on the ground. Thank you for showing up for these kids and for doing this Brutiful work.
LOVE. G & Together Rising