You’re sending PPE to healthcare workers

And as they risk their lives to save ours, many don’t have the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need to heal the sick and to protect themselves. Some health centers are considering shutting down because they don’t have PPE.
With the rapid spread of COVID-19, this shortage in equipment is growing. We have been in close contact with our partners at Direct Relief. They had 1 million masks in January and they only have 80,000 left. By the end of the week – they will be gone. Part of the problem has been a breakdown in the supply chain for these masks. Direct Relief just got word that shipments will resume next week.
Today, you are sending $50,000 to provide PPE to the healthcare workers who are working to fight COVID-19 in under-resourced community health centers and free clinics.
We all feel incredibly vulnerable and afraid, but we can be afraid and still show up. So we will. We will keep showing up for those who are showing up for us. And we will never allow the fact that we can’t fix everything keep us from doing our part to fix what we can. We will keep doing SOMETHING- one something at a time.
And while Together Rising addresses structural needs like PPE: we are working hard to address your needs. Right now, we are reviewing all the applications submitted by individuals and families requesting assistance during this time. We are reading and working one person at a time to match you warriors at home with the resources you need.
We are going to get through this together, like we always have.
We can do hard things. We belong to each other.
ALSO: If you have a personal supply of PPE, including rubber gloves, goggles, and face masks, please consider donating equipment to your local medical providers. For information and donation instructions by location, check out this resource: