You’ve held each other close! Meet Addison

This year has been extraordinarily and immensely difficult, leaving so many feeling alone. And in need of connection.
Meet Addison, an eight-year old who has been learning fully remotely. During that time, she’s been unable to be with her friends, as well as other family members she loves — just like so many of us are unable to be with our loved ones right now. Her mom Jamie is part of this community, and shared that the isolation has been very hard for Addison — just as it’s been for so many kids and families all over the country.
Knowing her daughter needed to be reminded that she was not alone, Jamie submitted a request to our Together Letters program asking all of you to send your love to Addison through holiday cards. Jamie wanted to show Addison that she was cared for not only by her but by this beautiful, alway-showing-up community.
You delivered, as you always do, and wrote message after message — notes of encouragement and joy and support and cheer. You wrapped your arms around Addison and held her close — even from afar.
Regardless of the physical distance between us, you as a community keep showing and taking care of each other — proving that none of us is alone.
Addison is still receiving letters and there are many others who would love to hear from you as well. To connect and send more love to those needing encouragement, please check out our Together Letters program.