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Expansive and Free

By Together Rising | June 6, 2017

“I’ve never looked big a day in my life. No matter. My daughter and I pay attention. We know what the world wants from us. We know we must decide whether to stay small, quiet, and uncomplicated or allow ourselves to grow as big, loud, and complex as we were made to be. Every girl…

We Belong to Each Other

By Together Rising | May 26, 2017

Yesterday, you gave thousands of mamas diapers for their babies when they had none.   At 8:50AM our time we got an urgent call from Dani and Josie, the warrior women with whom we have partnered for two years to bring millions of dollars of life-saving support and services to refugees, internally displaced families and unaccompanied…

Love Shows Up

By Together Rising | May 18, 2017

Last Valentine’s Day, we shared with you a love story – a real love story about a father who has served our country in the Air Force and is now battling an impossible prognosis — and a mother shouldering the sole burden of supporting her family and trying to create normalcy for her kids since his diagnosis.   Ten…

A New Beginning

By Together Rising | May 3, 2017

Sometimes, what a person needs most is the gift of a fresh start. Because of your donations, Together Rising has been able to provide that gift for dozens of women through the years.   “Mandy” recently took the monumental step of removing her children and herself from an abusive home. Thankfully, she was able to…

Finding Her Power

By Together Rising | April 27, 2017

Nearly six years ago, while 5 months pregnant with her first child, Brita was diagnosed with aggressive stage 2 breast cancer. When conventional treatment failed, she turned to alternative therapy and was soon cancer free.  Two years ago, she found another lump. While trying to physically heal, she grew severely depressed, and it became clear…

What Breaks Your Heart

By Together Rising | April 14, 2017

When Kelly heard Glennon say, “Find what breaks your heart and that will be your purpose,” she knew she needed to serve NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) families. Both her children, born three years apart, spent time in the NICU. She told us, “It’s a parent’s nightmare to see your child fighting to live and…

Ruth’s Pantry

By Together Rising | March 22, 2017

Together, with your donations, we continue to support US homeless youth organizations like the Ruth Ellis Center.   The Ruth Ellis Center provides short and long-term residential safe space and support services for homeless youth.  This organization is a top innovator for addressing the needs of LGBTQ youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. They provide outreach and…

Building Brighter Futures – Casa Youth Shelter

By Together Rising | March 14, 2017

Thank you for helping us support vital domestic programs like Casa Youth — a temporary shelter for runaways and youth in crisis. Located in Los Alamitos, California, the shelter provides a supportive environment with family reunification as a primary goal.   Casa Youth Shelter shared with us some of their residents’ stories. You are supporting young women like…

Their Family is Our Family

By Together Rising | February 20, 2017

Together Rising family, meet Whitney, Adam, and their three precious babies Isaac, Noah, and Gideon.   In early 2015, Adam began experiencing episodes of dizziness and numbness in his leg, which increased in frequency over the course of many months. At the time he was juggling graduate school, working, and raising two young boys with…

Love Serves. Thank You for this Love Story

By Together Rising | February 14, 2017

REAL love is not pink and fluffy and rose-y and butterflies. Real love is not shiny and whole and smiling serenely. Real love is not holding hands while running through fields of sunflowers or gazing over chardonnay while wearing sexy dresses and opening boxes of diamonds. It’s just not. That stuff is something else. That…