Can you send a note to these wonderful women?

Today we’re delighted to introduce you to three amazing women whose spirits we’d love to lift. Jacquelyn, Frances, and Eva Maria are all women who are isolated from their family and friends right now because of COVID-19. If you feel moved to send a card, letter, or children’s drawing to one of these wonderful women, it would make their day.
Kristen wrote to us about her mother, Jacquelyn:
“In the last 5 years she has lost her husband over 50 years, three siblings and a niece. She believed in me when no one else did, she worked hard to support my siblings for years on end. I live so far from her and am unable to see her. We were supposed to go on a trip to celebrate her 80th birthday back in April, but life had other things in mind. Like many others, she is self isolating which has become hard. She was active in her community, volunteering, taking classes at the senior center and attending her local church.”
Read more and send a note to Jacqueline here!
Jill wrote about her grandmother, Frances:
“Hi! I’m requesting letters, cards to be sent to my Grandmother Frances to let her know people are thinking of her and to help keep her connected to the world outside her nursing home. She has dementia and other medical needs; precautions for Covid19 do not allow her to have visitors. I understand why, but she really doesn’t. It is very isolating for her at present. If you have time and a stamp I would love if you would consider sending her some mail... say hello, share a joke or story about what is going on in your part of the world.”
Read more and send a note to Frances here!
And caregiver Nicole wrote about dear Eva-Maria:
“Eva-Maria came to the United States from Germany. For all of these years she has kept in touch with friends and family using letters. Now, at 91, most of her friends and family are no longer here and although she checks the mailbox every day, it is rare to find a letter. She has some dementia so she often reads again and again any letters - getting many moments of joy from a single one! It would be amazing if anyone has time to send her a note, a drawing, or just a pretty card that you have.”
Read more and send a note to Eva-Maria here!