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Room to Breathe for the Cuccia Family

By Together Rising | March 27, 2018

Enduring the tragedy of losing your beloved sister is heartbreaking.   Facing your wife’s cancer diagnosis just five years later is unimaginable.   Now add to this reality eight children and a three-bedroom house, plus snowballing medical bills.   This is the reality of Sergeant Arin Cuccia and his wife, Stefani. Stefani was diagnosed in…

She Needs It More Than I Do

By Together Rising | March 8, 2018

Michelle has always taken care of others. Even when she was stretched thin. Even when she didn’t have enough for herself.   Michelle is the mother of two teenage boys and has a sister with a disability that she helps care for. She has worked her entire life to provide for her family – doing…

Relentless Warrior Love

By Together Rising | February 1, 2018

We want to tell you about a warrior named Jen.   Cindy wrote to us about Jen. Jen started out as the beloved teacher of Cindy’s daughter, and became a cherished friend. Cindy writes: “Jen has always been a hero of mine simply as my daughter’s teacher. I’m a single mom and a middle school…

Camp PossAbility Update!

By Together Rising | October 10, 2017

Earlier in the year, we introduced you to a slice of heaven in Indiana called Camp PossAbility — a camp that exists to give young adults with physical disabilities a week to empower the mind, body, and spirit with outdoor adventure, emotional support, friendship and fun.   Lauren, the head of Camp PossAbility, wrote to…

Raquel Rising

By Together Rising | August 10, 2017

Do you know someone in your life who you’d like to help get rising?  Christine did, and wrote to us about her dear friend Raquel.  In her words:  “Raquel has been in my life since I was in the 4th grade, when she became my mom’s hairdresser. Her laugh is infectious. She has been dealt…

Shine Bright

By Together Rising | July 31, 2017

Sarah’s favorite shirt reads “Shine Bright” — which is a pretty accurate description of the way she shows up in the world.   At the age of 26, Sarah had already accomplished more than most people dream of in a lifetime, including working in prison systems teaching convicted felons how to read, participating with Alternative…

A Whole Lot of Love – Holiday Magic

By Together Rising | July 18, 2017

Do for one, what you wish you could do for everyone. – Andy Stanley   This past holiday season, Casey reached out to Together Rising.  Casey was having a holiday party, and instead of exchanging gifts together with her friends, she wanted to connect with a family to shower with love. Through the Holiday Hands…

Super Fritz

By Together Rising | July 10, 2017

Not all superheroes wear capes.   Fritz is a beautiful three-year old boy, who was diagnosed with leukemia (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) in 2015, and has been progressing through treatment ever since. Known to those who love him as “Super Fritz” — Fritz has been an inspiration to many people in his community. He was named…

Little Love Warriors

By Together Rising | June 27, 2017

This is Olivia and Bobby — the little but fierce love warriors who recently delivered a WHOLE LOT OF LOVE FROM YOU to Second Story, a shelter for homeless women and families in their town.   Olivia and Bobby brought with them (in addition to their mamas) these love offerings, which you provided through your…

Look at Our Ellie – Update!

By Together Rising | June 12, 2017

LOOK AT OUR ELLIE. Two years ago, Miranda wrote to Together Rising about her warrior daughter, Ellie. Ellie had been in seven different foster homes before Miranda was lucky enough to adopt her as her own. Miranda told us that her girl had a genetic disorder that caused her legs to be amputated to her…