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Serving the Servers

By Together Rising | July 4, 2015

This Independence Day, let’s take a moment to be grateful for the opportunity to provide some deeply deserved independence to Shawn, Joline and the girls. Look—they got the car you bought them in the last Love Flash Mob!!! Also, in honor of Independence Day, Together Rising will be supporting 15 other military families who contacted…

Celebrating Julie, a Special Education Warrior

By Together Rising | June 18, 2015

Friends, meet Julie. Julie is one of the 176 warriors we lifted up in Together Rising’s last Love Flash Mob. Here’s what one of the friends who nominated Julie said about her: “Julie is my hero. Julie works in a special education classroom and assists the classroom teacher, Mrs Sack. She sits one-on-one with students…

Hailey Fort: Our 9-Year-Old Activist is On Fire!

By Together Rising | June 10, 2015

Friends, have you noticed that our Hailey is EVERYWHERE??? NBC KING 5 News, the Huffington Post, Yahoo News & ABC Good Morning America, A Mighty Girl—Our girl is on fire! For those of you who missed it, Hailey’s mom wrote in and told us Hailey’s incredible story—how her 9-year-old daughter has been serving the homeless community around her for the…

Rise & Shine Sheroes – May 2015

By Together Rising | May 14, 2015

  Rise & Shine Love Flash Mob was held in May 2015. We lifted up 176 warriors and their families—all individuals who were nominated as “everyday heroes” from within the Together Rising community. Every single application we received described someone lighting up her community or family or world, so the Together Rising board decided that not…

A Baby (& His Family) Breathing Easier

By Together Rising | May 11, 2015

Last year, Antonella wrote to Together Rising about her 8-month old nephew, Lorenzo, who has a rare chronic lung condition called NEHI. Antonella’s sister, Camila, and her husband were struggling under a mountain of medical debt and couldn’t afford the $4,000 portable oxygen machine sweet Lorenzo desperately needed. Lorenzo’s doctors told the family that without…

Together Rising Warriors

By Together Rising | April 15, 2015

Originally published on Momastery A couple of weeks ago, at a church in Lakewood, Ohio, a woman stood up during the Q&A time and asked me to talk about our non-profit Together Rising. I smiled and told her that Together Rising is my baby. I told her that besides my family, faith, and sobriety—Together Rising is the…

Kindness is Contagious

By Together Rising | January 16, 2015

Here is the thing about kindness- it is CONTAGIOUS. As much as we at Together Rising love to help women in need, it absolutely fills us with joy when we hear stories like this one, sent by our Alison. Our relationship with privacy has become a strange one. We all “share” things on social media,…

Helping Out After a Hard Year

By Together Rising | January 8, 2015

Some years are just harder than others, aren’t they? 2014 was a HARD YEAR for our Mary and her six year old daughter, Alice. Over the course of a year they lost family, Mary’s job, and in September, Alice’s dad decided to cut ties and walk away. It’s too much, really. Mary, like all mama…

The Gift of Holiday Hands to Me

By Together Rising | November 11, 2014

A Guest Post from Together Rising Community Member and Volunteer, Katherine Welch. I stood on the edge of the soccer field, three boys in tow and camera in hand, and I spotted her across the field, bundled against the fall chill, the bounce in her step immediately recognizable even though we had never before met.…

The Strength to Ask for Help

By Together Rising | September 29, 2014

“I’m not really sure how to even start this, this whole putting my pride aside thing is really hard for me.” We get that. We really, really do. But we are so grateful that Stephanie found the strength and bravery to ask for the help that she needed. For years she endured violence in her…