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David’s computer

By Together Rising | October 23, 2019

Meet David! David is excelling in college and working part time while supporting his mom, who is living with disabilities. He earned scholarships that cover his tuition, housing, and some other school expenses, and he chose to live at home so he can use his scholarship money to help support his mom. “He is my…

Thank you for standing with Syria

By Together Rising | October 22, 2019

Through Together Rising, you have been standing with the people of Syria for four years — since a horrific war forced thousands of Syrian families to flee their homes for safety. . Our hearts broke as we watched toddlers drowning in tiny rubber rafts, freezing on cold beaches; as we watched parents walk for days—carrying…

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

By Together Rising | October 14, 2019

Today, Together Rising remembers what the commemoration of this day represents for our nation’s Indigenous peoples: theft of ancestral lands; biological warfare (intentionally distributing blankets contaminated with smallpox); and massacres that amount to genocide. Between Columbus’s arrival to 400 years later, the Indigenous population in North America plummeted from up to 15 Million to fewer…


By Together Rising | October 4, 2019

Because of our dedicated recurring givers, within 24 hours of Hurricane Dorian sweeping through the Bahamas, Together Rising was able to immediately deploy $50,000 in emergency response and medical equipment for those suffering the devastating destruction Dorian caused. This initial investment provided urgent medical treatment and care for those injured and displaced by one of…

Thank you for walking alongside each other, all the way home.

By Together Rising | October 1, 2019

Friends, meet brave, beautiful Shumanay.     This year, Shumanay learned that the breast cancer she has been fighting since 2017 had spread to her liver, lungs and brain. Without further medical advances, her cancer is terminal. She and her family are now doing the very hard work of fighting for her life.    …

Families together again!

By Together Rising | September 17, 2019

This is the story of two of the families whose lives you’ve changed through your most recent investment of $200,000 in Al Otro Lado – funds devoted to identifying the most vulnerable children at risk in the US migrant detention system, and marshaling volunteers and attorneys to advocate on their behalf.     Both of…

Learning to walk again!

By Together Rising | September 12, 2019

This is a story about a warrior mama named Joanne – who is fighting to learn to walk again – a beloved daughter named Christina who would do anything for her, a neighborhood that has rallied together, and this incredible community at Together Rising, which is stepping up for all of them so Joanne can…

Rosa – tenacious, loving & kind

By Together Rising | September 9, 2019

Together Rising exists to turn our collective heartbreak into effective action. You tell us what is breaking your heart and we listen.   Recently, Julie shared that her heart was broken by the news that the administration is rolling back medical deferments for immigrants receiving life-saving medical care – a dramatic change that endangers hundreds…

Breathing room for a single mama

By Together Rising | August 29, 2019

We hold the love of our donors in our hearts each time we review a request for Together Rising’s help.  When we read Gracie’s story, we were so grateful to be able to extend your hearts and dollars to her. Last year, Gracie’s husband left her and their three children — ages nine, six, and…

Detained Children LFM – how your dollars are healing & protecting detained children

By Together Rising | August 27, 2019

You – beloved people of the impossible – are incredible! Every penny of the $2,632,558.79 you gave during the last Love Flash Mob is on the ground healing and protecting detained and separated children – here’s how: During our most recent Love Flash Mob, in 7 days, at the end of June through early July,…