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By Together Rising | July 31, 2019

MEET SUPERMANTHONY!!!: — a 9-year-old superstar who leaves his doctors amazed by continuing to do things they said he’d never do! Anthony – whose mom calls him “a fierce fighter with the biggest fighting heart and spirit ever” — has multiple medical needs, including cerebral palsy and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (a connective tissue disorder causing hypermobile…

Positive Coaching Alliance

By Together Rising | July 26, 2019

We have a huge problem that reveals itself on sidelines across America every weekend. In today’s youth sports culture, sideline brawls and screaming matches are increasingly becoming the norm. And kids, wisely, are choosing to leave. They are dropping out of sports at an alarmingly high rate. They cite not having fun, the stress of…

Let’s show up for Jessi & Kristy

By Together Rising | July 18, 2019

We receive beautiful and heartbreaking emails everyday. Thank you for trusting us with your stories. Today, we are sharing Jessi’s story with you. Jessi is a warrior sister and daughter facing incredible loss. Jessi wrote to us because she desperately wants to help her mom. Jessi’s sister, Jami, died recently in a car accident. Jami…

$2,632,558.79 for Detained Children

By Together Rising | July 11, 2019

You – the beloved people of the impossible – are incredible. 45,537 of you beautiful people, over a period of 7 days, gave Together Rising $2,632,558.79 to provide children who are being detained in atrocious conditions across this country with emergency relief, and to fund long-term legal accountability to end this disaster. Every penny of…

You shattered our goal!

By Together Rising | June 24, 2019

When scary things happened on the news, Mister Rogers’ mother would say: “Look for the helpers, son. There are always helpers.” In the future, when history looks for the helpers of these times, History will find you. History will point to this army of fierce hearted strangers who linked arms and marched toward the world’s…

How You Can Help End Child Detention Horrors TODAY

By Together Rising | June 23, 2019

How You Can Help End Child-Detention Horrors TODAY There are 13,100 children imprisoned right now in federal custody — alone, without their families — facing horrifying neglect and abuse. These kids need and deserve a defender and protector. Today, we will give them a defender who will step in front of the abuse they are…

BRAWS (Bringing Resources To Aid Women’s Shelters)

By Together Rising | June 3, 2019

Did you know that tampons and pads are not covered by food stamps or WIC, and are taxed at normal state tax rates? Did you know that – even though the majority of individuals in homeless shelters are women and children – some of the hardest supplies for homeless shelters to stock are feminine hygiene…

Thank you for granting wishes!

By Together Rising | May 30, 2019

Every year 440,000 children — most impacted by abuse, neglect and trauma — spend time in the foster care system. The world is a hard place, and pain is everywhere. The world is also a beautiful place and love is everywhere. May is National Foster Care month. Last week you showed up for 32 kids…


By Together Rising | May 15, 2019

UPDATE!!! YOU DID IT. YOU DID IT AND THEN YOU DID MORE.   You never stop showing up. Thank you for always showing up — for people you don’t know — to help heal the world by doing right by one precious person at a time. Thank you.   We needed $110,500 to give 19…

Martha’s Place Update

By Together Rising | April 19, 2019

Remember Ms. Amelia and Martha’s Place?   When Ms. Amelia and her husband started connecting with Baltimore neighbors two decades ago, the people said they desperately needed transitional housing for women who were newly sober. Babies needed their moms to have safe spaces where they could stay clean and healthy. Ms. Amelia, who lost her own…